Rest in God

Rest In God

Have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Take on His yoke and bear His labor. And God will give you rest. Our reward is eternity with Him! Nothing comes to you except through Jesus Christ. We are all invited to come and receive rest from our labor. Adam’s sin brought us into labor. Our labor […]

Our Peace

Our Peace

The most amazing thing about the peace of God is that Jesus has given to every believer a gift of His peace. To know that we possess a peace that can calm troubled water, and heal a broken heart, and uphold an unstable hope, indicates the great love and faithfulness of God. Watch Full Service […]

The God of the Outcome

The God of the Outcome

Faith is patient submission to the will of God. Faith is not a form of manipulation that we use to keep God on schedule.  Watch Full Service Outcome is God’s responsibility; obedience is ours. Many years ago, we scripturally established the Biblical truth that God has an intentional purpose for the lives of. people and […]

Come Close To God

Come Close To God

God is willing to “come close” if we are willing to initiate a move toward Him. With so many preaching the gospel of separation and intolerance, how does an anointed leader stand and declare that peace is God’s way, and love is God’s nature. If you want what God has, you must come to Him! […]

A Good Father

A Good Father

  A good father is a guardian, a giver, gracious, a guide, a goal setter. We need some dads who will prophesy to their children and speak positive things into their lives. He is a guardian. To be a father that God would have Him be, a dad must seek for the assistance of our Heavenly […]

Why Do You Worry

Why Do You Worry

Worry doesn’t take away today’s Coronavirus concern or tomorrow’s problems. Worry only steals your peace. Faith in God’s promises causes fear and worry to flee. Why Do You Worry In our world, uncertainty has become the new normal for us. It seems that every facet of life at work and at home has transitioned to an […]

We Are Built By God

We Are Built By God

God spoke this world into existence, created us with His hands, and breathed life into our bodies. God created us as earthly, but through Jesus we are recreated for eternity. We Are Built By God A strangely contradictory choice of words is woven together in this passage of scripture from which our text is taken. […]

Win Your Biggest Battles

Win Your Biggest Battles

Want to know how to win life’s battles?  The most effective way to deal with outside issues is with our inner strength. Our inner strength only comes from our relationship with God. Win Your Biggest Battles As Christians we’re not in a physical fight, but we’re fighting for the faith that we might earnestly contend for […]