Change of Heart

Make an Inner Change

God expects change to come to us from the inside. From the heart, comes our faith walk. What would your extreme makeover look like? How would you become a better you? God is calling us to the more difficult inward change.

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Listen to the prayer excerpt from this sermon that Pastor Jerry Irwin prayed, a power anointed prayer for this nation.

When we can bend to the spirit and blend the spirit and flesh with the spirit in control, we are living as a servant of God.

There is a spiritual you and a physical you. The flesh minds the things of the flesh and the spirit minds the things of the spirit. The spirit will guide the flesh. When we can bend to the spirit and blend the spirit and flesh with the spirit in control, we are living as a servant of God.

Driven by the Holy Spirit we please God. We become soldiers for Christ. Submitting to orders. Subservient to the leading of God. In order for us to have this relationship with God, there must be a transformation, a change. Billy Graham called it that moment of decision. That journey of following and pleasing God begins.

The church is most effective and does it’s greatest work when it is unified in following the Holy Spirit. Anyone in resistance to this one-mindedness is in rebellion to God and are proclaimed by God as enemies. We must produce His fruit. How do we achieve this?

  1. walk in the Light
  2. have fellowship with one another
  3. become one in mind, heart, and spirit

Where there is no vision, people perish. Vision enables us to see what Jesus has promised and be transformed. God’s glory brings us to the place of transformation. If satan could have his way he would do away with our vision. People and nations are susceptible to being robbed of vision. The outward man may faint, but the inner man can be renewed daily.

We search for external change that we think will make us happier, more successful, healthier. God is looking for a heart change that will bring true joy, prosperity, and eternal life. The change that is coming will convert our failing bodies to a glorious state in His image.

Romans 12:2
Galatians 5:16-17
2 Corinthians 5:17
Philippians 3:18
Galatians 6:1
1 John 2:9
1 Corinthians 1:18
1 Corinthians 4:16
2 Thessalonians 2:10
Philippians 3:20-21