Hearing From God

Hearing From God

God loves to speak. He isn’t silent. He isn’t distant. He longs for you to live with the knowledge of His love and perfect will. View Full Service You and I have been given the invaluable gift of communication with God. Too many Christians think God n longer talks to His children. The Bible tells […]

Lessons in the Storms

Lesson in the Storms

Peace is not the absence of storms. Peace is having the presence of god in the midst of you storm. Anchor to God’s promises. View Full Service Mark 4:35-38 35 That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side.” 36 Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, […]

And Suddenly God Will Move

And Suddenly God Will Move

Miracles can happen suddenly. The Spirit can move suddenly. Deliverance can happen suddenly. And Suddenly God Will Move. View Full Service Acts 16:25-26 With praise despite the circumstances, a suddenly will happen. Praise that will lose stocks and bonds. Miracles can happen suddenly. The Spirit can move suddenly. Deliverance can happen suddenly. Suddenly can come […]

He is a Mystery

He is a Mystery

God shows a mystery of resurrection. Where you are now is not permanent. You are going to rise again in the glorious promised tomorrow. View Full Service Christianity in competition against the offerings of the world doesn’t always come out on top. This challenge of faith is as old as time. Moses, Abraham, and Gideon […]

Jesus Does Everything Well

Jesus Does Everything Well

Jesus does everything completely and well. Jesus will do well in your life. View Full Service It was common for Jesus to tell observers to tell no one after performing a miracle. Jesus wanted people to put more emphasis on what He was teaching than the miracles He performed. Dependence on miracles can lead to […]