A Church Where They All Preach

A Church Where They All Preach

God has revealed to us the treasures He has prepared and will be given freely to anyone who will accept Jesus. By word and deed, we all have His Spirit on us and are all preachers.

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Today is Pentecost Sunday. Throughout history movements of faith have brought practices and focus on certain precepts of our beliefs. This has caused factions and breaks and establishment of denominations.

Numbers 11:23 tells about Moses working through some issues while in the desert with the children of Israel after leaving bondage in Egypt. After wandering 50 days, the people began to complain about the food. God had provided a bread like substance literally from the sky. However, they became tired of this manna and grumbled to Moses that God was not caring for them.

After ascending the mountain and praying to God for help, Moses gathered 70 elders and God came to them. Jesus promised a comforter to come after He would ascend into Heaven to sit at the right hand of God. God desires to live in us, walk with us, deliver us, heal us.

We are the temple of the living God according to 2 Corinthians. We are called to be separate, cleansed of the filth of the world and allow the Spirit to fill and guide our living. God’s Spirit filled the 70 elders and they began to prophesy without ceasing. God has come to us and will dwell with us forever.

We then must take that power from the Holy Spirit to be witnesses to the world. Our living and our speech is our witness of being with God and prayed for by Jesus and guided by the Spirit. It pleases God to preach what seems foolish to the world in order to save those that will believe.

God wants to invest into us. He wants to give us power to disciple all people who will listen. God has revealed to us the treasures He has prepared and will be given freely to anyone who will accept Jesus. By word and deed, we all have His Spirit on us and are all preachers.