Harvest Church of God Staff
Meet the staff leaders for Harvest Church of God Ministries and departments. Our staff consists of our Senior Pastor, Associate Pastor, Senior Adult Pastor, Student and Children’s Pastor, Music and Worship Leader, and office and administrative staff.

Senior Pastor Rev. Brian Gilpin
Pastor Brian and Kendra have been in pastoral ministry since 2004. They have two children, Conor and Grace. For them, life’s highest honor is to be in the Lord’s service. Their ultimate goal is to make Christ known to a world who desperately needs Him. Harvest is blessed to welcome Pastor Gilpin and Kendra and believe God will continue to pour blessings on this church body and it’s endeavors to reach this community and beyond.
Associate Pastor Rev. Don Maddox

I am amazed when I look back and see how God orchestrated his plan for my life. I was born in rural Alabama along with 3 other brothers to a mother and father who did not attend church. My mother and father were not converted until I was 6 years old. Then, life as we had always known, changed forever. My father became a pastor of a small church and through my mother and grandmother I learned some valuable lessons of how to love and appreciate people. I learned alot about preaching from my father, but, I learned how to pastor from my mother and grandmother.
I made a profession of faith at the age of ten and was baptized, but, it was not until age 18 that I truly committed my life to God. I felt God’s direction for my life was in the ministry. I began pastoring at the age of 21 and still enjoy helping people face what life brings their way. Life is ever changing, but, God is always there to guide us.
I met my wife Mikki when my father went to pastor her home church. She has been a great partner in life and in ministry. We have been married 41 years and counting. We have a son and a daughter and six WONDERFUL grandchildren. Our son Donny and his wife Carly are parents of three of our grandchildren, Reid, Riley, and our latest Ryan. Our daughter Laura and her husband Ashley are parents of the other three grandchildren Jackson, Jacob, and Lexie Rae. I have been blessed to have a family that loves ministry, understands its uncertainties, and has always supported my decisions.
I enjoy life away from ministry also. I enjoy playing golf. Pastor Irwin and I have competed in golf tournaments as partners with frequent success. I still amaze him with my short game (or lack thereof). My father and I still get away to share some time fishing together. He has taught me to be a fisherman and to love the sport of fishing. CONTACT
Worship Leader Ashlee Hanvey

Being raised in a minister’s home, I grew up knowing the importance of being about the Father’s business. My parents were constant examples of strength, love, and dedication. At a very early age I began singing in church. Throughout the years, God has placed people in my life that believed in me, invested in me, and provided opportunities for me to use my God given talent.
I met my husband Adam while serving on a children’s ministry team at Harvest. We have been married for 11 years. He is my best friend, the go-to tech guy, and the man behind the sound board that makes us all sound good. We have two amazing boys that keep life interesting. Outside of music I love to eat sushi, attend robotics competitions, and be the loudest cheering baseball mom in the ballpark.
Harvest has been home since my early teen years. It is here that I have not only grown as a person, but also as a leader. It was during my teen years that I recognized and accepted my calling as a worshipper. After many years of serving in various support positions, I am humbled and filled with gratitude to have the opportunity to lead God’s people into worship each week. Worship is my passion, and how I fight my battles!
Someone once said that “Worship is more than singing. It’s more than lyrics to a song. Worship is standing in the presence of God and declaring praises to His name.” As a team, we recognize that every service is an opportunity for lives to be changed by the power of Jesus Christ. Jack Hayford said it best when he said, “Worship changes the worshiper into the image of the One worshiped”. My prayer is that God will be seen through me and all that we do as a worship team and church.
Senior Adult Pastor Rev. W. H. Ford

I have been blessed and privileged to pastor some wonderful churches for 40 plus years. Now in this season of my life, I find great joy in working with the senior adult ministry of Harvest. The Young at Heart group has been such an inspirational and motivational ministry to my ministry and family. Lorene (my wife) and I have two wonderful children and there is not enough space here for me to tell you how great my grandchildren are. I am most thankful for the fact that my family is serving God and are Christians.
When I find a little spare time I love to hunt and fish. I also love working in my shop in the back yard, making wind chimes, and other wood crafts with my daughter Jane.
I am what I am by the grace of our great God. CONTACT
Student and Children’s Pastor Brandon Tuck

I accepted Christ and was baptized at 7 years old. At 13, an evangelist in a church of God revival told my dad I was already assigned by God to be a preacher. As a teenager, I became involved in a Pentecostal church and sought be involved in leadership roles within my church family and ministries. Although within my family background I do not have ministers of the Word, my dad had several dreams in which he saw me ministering, preaching, and pastoring a body of believers.
After attending some events, I felt led to Harvest Church of God for God to further disciple me. I became directly involved with the youth group and was given some leadership responsibilities under the current youth pastor. I was asked to take the position of youth pastor of Harvest in 2012 upon his assignment at another church.
Today, I have been married to my wife, Melanie, for 11 years and we have three children. Melanie, the youth staff, and I have great plans for this department as God continues to guide us in teaching our area youth to thrive in His Word and calling on their lives. CONTACT
Church Administration