Repair Your Alter

Repair Your Alter

Repair your alter and make it an alter of prayer. We all need to build an alter of prayer to the God who wants to meet His children.

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In 1 King 18, the prophet Elijah has challenged King Ahab. Elijah proclaimed God as the only god and more powerful than all the gods they worshipped. He first called all the people together and repaired the alter of the Lord that had been broken down when these people turned away from the one true God. Elijah was calling for them to get their heart and worship in order to insure God will answer.

Today people and even nations need to rebuild their alters of prayer and turn back to proper worship of God. When prayer is replaced with worship of idols, there will be destruction and despair. We must return to taking all things to God in prayer. Gratitude and grief alike must be taken to God. He is the God that cares about people.

Elijah then soaked the sacrifice three times with four barrels of water. The water drenched the wood and the sacrifice. He called on God to let the people know that He was the Lord God and to turn their hearts back to Him. The fire of the Lord fell and consumed the sacrifice and the wood and the stones and the water.

God desires that all men be saved. He wants all to be freed, cleansed, blessed, and comforted. We have a resurrected Savior. All who call on Him will be saved and will live in eternity with Him in a place prepared for each of His children.

2 Chronicles 7:14
if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.