God's Timing is Perfect

God’s Timing is Perfect

God will give favor to His people. He will line up events and circumstances and people to insure His plan is fulfilled. God’s timing is perfect.

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Nehemiah 2

God has promised that anything asked in His name He will provide. God has invited us to use His name. Nehemiah wept and mourned and fasted and prayed to God. Nehemiah was prepared to sacrifice whatever it took to hear from God. He was a man of passion and trusted that God’s timing is perfect. Today’s Christians should do all they do for God with passion. Where your passion is there is also your worship.

The Chastisement of God

It is the will of God that His people come together to celebrate all that He has done. In Nehemiah’s time, God had chastised His people for their error by sending them into exile. Everything that the people of God used for worship was carried off by their enemies. They were separated from their tools and places of worship. Like earthly parents, God’s chastisement did not last forever. God loves His children and so chastises when needed.

The Prayer to God

Nehemiah had a position of honor with the king of their exile. Nehemiah came before the king in his position of servitude with a sad countenance for the condition of his homeland. The king showed compassion and inquired why Nehemiah was sad. Nehemiah prayed to God for the answer for the king.

The Outpouring of the Spirit

Nehemiah knew his God was a God of resurrection and would deliver His people and would provide a way to restore their temples and places of worship. We serve a God that desires to pour His Spirit on us. He wants to give us a reconciliation with Him and His Spirit. He wants to pour out more healing, more blessing, and more power so we can be a blessing.

Nehemiah had been in the king’s service for several months. God often will delay His answer. This is the perfect plan of God. God will never trust you with an anointing that is greater than you are able to hold at that time, because His timing is perfect. In His timing, He will pour out more than we can hold.

The Fear of God

Nehemiah was afraid to answer the king, but his fear of the Lord was greater. He knew he was in this place according to God’s plan. Nehemiah knew his message meant for the king was a message of power, deliverance, and truth. God had opened a door for Nehemiah to carry out His will.

The Plan of God

Nehemiah was given his request and was given protection by the king to travel through enemy territories. The hand of God wants all good and perfect gifts for us. He will give favor to His people. He will line up events and circumstances and people to insure His plan is fulfilled. God puts people and circumstances in place to allow you to carry out His plan.

Cast all your cares on God. He cares for you. He will provide and fulfill His promises to you in His perfect timing.