Your King is Coming

Your King is Coming!

Jesus was not what the Jews expected to be their promised King. God doesn’t always answer us the way we expect or hope He will. He will always answer the way best for us. View Full Service Prophecy Fulfilled The church that recognizes Jesus as the rightful heir to the throne will be the church […]

Jesus Bore Our Cross

Jesus Bore Our Cross

Jesus is our sacrificial lamb that bore our cross having been crucified upon a cross of wood. On God’s command for Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac carried the wood for the sacrificial fire.  Watch Full Service Pilot washed his hands of the sentence the Jews wanted Jesus to suffer. They profoundly accepted the responsibility […]

Peace is a Person

Peace is a Person

When God established the garden, He furnished it with peace. He created the garden with the intention of perfect peace void of pain, disappointment, sadness. Adam and Eve believed a lie and lost that peace. Lies are the root of all our troubles and are the the thief of our peace. Watch Full Service In […]

Mary expecting Jesus

Blessed Consequences of Christ’s Birth

Elizabeth’s Spirit-filled reply to her cousin, Mary, focuses on the blessed consequences of God’s grace in sending Jesus for every believer. Watch Full Service Charles Wesley helped his more famous brother, John, start the Methodist movement. As a writer of more than 8,000 hymns, his songwriting played an important part in the movement’s birth. Wesley […]