We Need Christmas

We Need Christmas

The Jewish people had a promise made hundreds of years earlier of peace and a savior. They needed Christmas. We need Christmas. View Full Service At the time of Jesus’s birth, there was much political and religious turmoil. The Roman Empire was forcing conformity to the Greek tradition. But the Jewish people had a promise […]

Standing For Godliness

Standing For Godliness

A savior was prophesied, sent, witnessed, believed, died, arose, and went to the right hand of God. This provides the basis for standing for godliness in trouble and persecution. View Full Service Timothy was a young pastor in Ephesus. Ephesus was the first stop on Paul’s mission trip. Paul assigned Timothy at Ephesus and advised […]

Tongues and Interpretation is a message from God to the church

Tongues and Interpretations October 15 2023

Holy Spirit spoken word, tongues and interpretation, to Harvest Church of God October 15, 2023: For I have brought you from the smallness of your early beginnings. Through the decades, I’ve guided you and I’ve had My hand upon you. I’ve used you in ways like no other churches have been used. I have longed […]

Culture's Affect on Preaching

Culture’s Affect on Preaching

Information alone won’t bring transformation and standing to preach doesn’t guarantee disciples are being made. What has been culture’s affect on preaching? View Full Service Cultural trends are affecting the preaching in churches, especially if the church hasn’t been changing a thing. Our nation once was proud to profess “in God we trust”. In recent […]

Tongues and Interpretation is a message from God to the church

Tongues and Interpretations from 2007-1st Service in New Sanctuary

Tongues and Interpretations of the 3 messages given out Sunday July 8, 2007.  First service in the new sanctuary. For my longing today saith the Lord, is to baptize in My Spirit. My longing for My people is to walk in power, and walk in authority, and walk in favor saith the Lord. Have NOT […]

The Elect

The Elect

View Full Service Pulpits cannot be weak and give in to the world. Jesus came to stir up things and shake up His people, the elect. God is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient. He is all powerful, always present, and all knowing. God who knows all things certainly knows the future. Being omniscient He sees all and […]