God Loves Fellowship in Worship

God Loves Fellowship in Worship

God is not unreachable or unapproachable. God loves fellowship in worship. When we gather as a congregation of believers, He is there.

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There is a desire in every human being to worship. We were made to worship the Lord. God’s objective for communal worship is thwarted by means of the enemy. God has provided a means to return our worship to Him. The birth, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus taught us where our worship should be.

Jesus blood brought us from a spiritual death to a righteousness and relationship with Him. God loves fellowship in worship. We have been delivered from the power of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of His Son. The way to God was open for all God’s people through the reconciling blood of Christ.

God loves relationship. When God sent Moses to Pharaoh to command he let the children of Israel go, His purpose was to commune with them so they could worship Him. He led them to a mountain for them to worship Him. All nature responded to His presence in thunder and lightning. The children of Israel were too frightened to approach the mountain and sent Moses in their place.

The birth of Jesus promises a kinship for all people. The death of Jesus promises the Holy Spirit for our comfort in His absence until He returns. The ascension of Jesus promises an open way for all God’s people to His throne. No more need for animal sacrifices. Jesus paid it all and gave us bold entry to God’s throne room.

God is not unreachable or unapproachable. He is in the midst of us. When we gather as a congregation of believers, He is there. He has given a promise and He enjoys being with us. He loves to be in the presence of all His people gathered to lift and worship the name of Jesus.

Worship is:

We have the confidence to enter into God’s presence. His word tells us in faith we enter God’s heavenly assembly. Christ’s death tore the veil of the temple and opened God’s throne room to all believers.

Communal Worship is:

Our songs of praise and worship on earth join the praise of the angels in heaven. In our worship on the Lord’s day with other believers, when we lift up our hearts to heaven, we are in spirit with the multitude of just men who went before us into righteousness.

The ascension of our victorious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ should have an enormous impact on our worship, both corporate and individual. When we worship, we come to the heavenly Jerusalem.