Healing To Run Your Race

Healing to Run Your Race

Healing to Run Your Race We have an earthly race to finish. You must accept God’s healing and accept a mind set of joy to run your race of faith and insure your family’s place in heaven. Hebrews 11 told of great heroes of faith that ran incredible races and were giants for leading people […]

A Day With Jesus

A Day With Jesus

A Day With Jesus Bobby Lynch and his family, our missionaries in Ecuador, shared what their ministry is accomplishing every day through the grace of God. He shared, through scripture, what a day with Jesus was like for the disciples. Like the disciples, we need to share Jesus so others can experience everyday with Jesus […]

Breath of God

The Breath of God

Call on the breath of God into what is causing you terror. We need to look at our dead situations and preach life into them.  The Breath of God *Ecclesiastes 11:5-6 Twice in these verses Solomon says we do not know how the miracle of the creation of the human body takes place. The breath of […]



Are you transitional? One thing we can count on is change. But our God will not change. He cannot change. Some people are saved enough to be changed but not for the transition. Transition *People were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to this man who sought Peter. Today people attend church […]

The Seven Candlesticks-Nevertheless

The Seven Candlesticks-Nevertheless

A Jezebel spirit is insecure,  prideful, stubborn, and manipulative. If you are being controlled by a Jezebel spirit, you will experience fear and weakness. God will deal with those Jezebel spirits with suffering and reward those who are victorious and steadfast to the end with authority. The Seven Candlesticks-Nevertheless Revelation 2:18-29 18 And unto the […]

The Seven Candlesticks-Endure to the End

The Seven Candlesticks-Endure to the End

People tend to live close to the Lord during difficult times.Thank God for hardship and difficulty and mountains to climb. It’s in those times we discover our strength. It takes righteous, right relationship with God to overcome painful situations. The Seven Candlesticks-Endure to the End Revelation 2:8-11 8 And unto the angel of the church […]

Deliverance Through Baptism

Deliverance Through Baptism

Often God uses something seemingly insignificant to bring about His Word. Are you big enough to accept His small, unconventional methods? Are you spiritual enough to overlook the BUTs and follow God’s call? Can you overcome your doubts and reach out to God for help? Deliverance Through Baptism 2 Kings 5:1-14 1 Now Naaman, captain […]

Fruitfulness Part 2

Fruitfulness Part 2

God’s will for us is to be light to all demonstrating right standing with Him. The Bible says Enoch walked with God not that God walked with Enoch.  That is the correct relationship in which we should exist with God. Fruitfulness Part 2 Ephesians 5:3-14 3 But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it […]

We've Lost the Idea of the Family

We’ve Lost the Idea of the Family

Don’t devalue the most precious things. It will work if your commitments are added in the order God meant. Identify the problem  20% of Americans attend church. We’re afraid to call out sin. Our relationships go wide but not deep. We’re distracted by society. Church used to be the center of society.  Get to the […]

Comfort Concerning Your Faith

Comfort Concerning Your Faith

When our faith is wained from the buffeting onslaught of the adversary, or the loss of something or someone we cherish and love, there is a Comforter in us, there is a promise given to us, and there is a place called the Shadow of the Almighty God where the weary can rest and find […]

Only one way to be saved JESUS

Tell Them About Jesus

Pastor Mark Green preaches the power and beauty of the name of Jesus. Tell all you can of the name of Jesus and of Him who died for us. Tell Them About Jesus 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 1 And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring […]

Problems with the Paradox

Problems With The Paradox

Some people are angry with God because He isn’t doing what you expected. God doesn’t want to meet your expectations because He wants to exceed them. His purpose is so much more important than our preferences. Problems With The Paradox 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 7 And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance […]

Blessing and Responsibility

Blessing and Responsibility

No one can steal your joy because it is yours to manage. God gave it to you, so be a good steward of the joy of the Lord. Use that joy! It is your strength! One of the most flagrant mistakes you can make is to assign the strength of your joy to someone else! […]

entry ways and opportunities

Entry Ways and Opportunities

It has been said, “The opportunity of a lifetime is only available during the lifetime of the opportunity.” Opportunities are not always the obvious. Sometimes the critics and character assassins are the opportunity. When God opens a door, no man can shut it! Entry Ways And Opportunities In last week’s message, we ended the sermon […]

Dangerous Grace

Dangerous Grace

In spite of the rules, decide to practice some dangerous grace and get bold and aggressive. You’ve got to get close! Touch the hem! Cry Out! DANGEROUS GRACE As we approach the season of the Easter Celebration, we gather in this House, and in His Name, to worship and celebrate His gracious Lordship, and affirm […]