[image: image.png] How many of us struggle with being our own person? We were raised to provide for ourselves and not depend on anyone to get us through life. In fact, I have had a regular joy since age 12, so I started young being independent. The idea of letting someone else help me through life was a foreign thought. The idea of depending on someone in EVERY area of my life was very difficult to submit to. God loves us and wants us to learn to depend on Him for every thing we need in life. (John 15:5 I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.) Independence will not and can not change anything in our lives. Dependence on God allows Him to control, correct, and direct our lives fully. We forfeit peace when we fail to let God be God. We try to figure issues out in our lives that we should never attempt to touch. There is nothing too difficult or too hard for God. With the leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives we can learn to grow to the place where we depend on God for direction in every area of our life. When we reach that point, we enjoy living a life totally dependent on God. Our lives become so much more productive when we totally depend on the vine for our needs. We can trust God! He will allows supply!! Pastor Don