[image: image.png] We live in a world that is quick to label you and identify who and what you are. You must know who you are in Christ so we are not effected by this culture who wants to mold us into certain images. Even your parents often attempt to turn you into what they think you ought to be. Your friends, family, and co-workers all have ideas of what you should be like. Even people in your church have opinions of what you should be. Not knowing who you are in Christ and the pressures of everyone trying to shape and mold you can be overwhelming. It is one of the leading causes of stress. Jesus told us that knowing who we are is so important to be happy with who we are. Jesus knew exactly who he was and what he was here for. (John 14:6. I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.) Jesus had no doubt in who he was. “I am” was declared 18 times in the Bible. Jesus knew exactly who he was and what he was sent here to do. Stress happens when we try to be something we are not. When we don’t know who we are and we try to be what every person we meet wants us to be. You can’t remember from one person to the next what change you need to make to meet their requirements. STOP!! Find out who you are in Christ and what He wants you to be and stop attempting to fit into everyone else’s mold. Be the beautiful original God created you to be. You don’t need other’s opinions to prop you up. You can stand on your own. There is no one in the world who can take your place with God. God wants you to know who you are. You belong to Him. Pastor Don