We live in a world where everyone is wanting more. Every worker wants to be paid more for what they do. On one of my first jobs in life, I had a co-worker ask our boss for a raise many years ago. The boss’s reply still sticks in my mind today. The boss replied, “If you want to be paid more for what you do, then you need to be doing more than you are being paid for.” There is so much truth in that statement. If we want more out of life, we must be willing to put so much more into life. Most people are waiting to receive more before they are willing to do more. They are saying, If you pay me, I will work. The company is saying, If you work, we will pay you. The same is true serving God. The story of the talents is about using what you have for God so He can bless you with more ability. (1 Peter 4:10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.) Most people are waiting for that elusive “perfect moment” to launch their business, start their ministry, or begin their big dream for life. Most successful ministries didn’t wait until they had a big crowd to start, they started and built their crowds. Most individuals who have made a significant contribution to the world simple started on a simple decision to do something. It’s time you and I realized that in order for us to be more for God than we are now, we are going to have to put forth more effort than we are currently giving. We need to start with what we have and let God add to our efforts. There is no point in praying for God to give us more if we are not maximizing what we already have for His glory. Start using what you have to bless others and watch God add to your ministry daily. Pastor Don [image: image.png]