I stopped on the exit of interstate I-20 to see if I could help a stranded motorist. The problem with his automobile was that it had overheated. Something had happened that caused the temperature in the motor to exceed the limitation at which it could perform effectively. I thought about that and I realize that everyone of us have limitations of what our physical bodies can do. The hardest thing to do is admit that we are not superhuman and we are not able to continuously do ALL the things we think we should. We do not set those limitations, they were designed by God. And although God gives power to the faint and weary, if you continually over-do your limitations and physical ability, you will become stressed out. At some point, you are going to overheat and become stranded if you don’t operate within your limitations. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Do you not know that your bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? 20. You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.) Stress will destroy you as fast as anything. I came to realize that most of my stress was caused by not being willing to let go of anything I wanted or needed to do. I had to come to grips with the fact that I needed to live within my limitations God has set for me. Oh, I still have plenty to do and I am constantly on the move. I have just learned to operate in what I was designed to do. Some may be able to handle more than others, but all of us have our limitations. Nothing is impossible with God, but, our human bodies have limits. Pastor Don