Many people struggle with rehab and recovery as much as they do the event that has happened in their lives. Recovery and rehab are such a vital part of the process that it can not be overlooked or taken lightly. The same is true with your spiritual life. God is a God of recovery. In fact, the entire mission of Jesus was (and is) a search and recovery mission. (Luke 19:10 For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost). Recovery often takes longer than we want it to take. Maybe you’re feeling lost and discouraged today. You’re thinking, “This is just taking too long. I should be further down the road. I’m too old to not be where I thought I’d be at this stage in my journey.” That’s okay! When you don’t like where you are in life, it often makes you want to be where you need to be. Don’t let your discouragement keep you from God. Instead, let it lead you to pray. What happens when you add prayer to your recovery process? You begin to heal from your hurts, habits, and hang-ups. But many people try to recover from problems on their own—without turning to God in prayer. This never works because there is no lasting recovery without prayer. No matter what kind of delays and difficulties come into your life, recovery is on the way when you turn to God in prayer. Pastor Don