In this world of political correctness, it seems almost impossible to determine where some people stand. They say they believe one thing one day and apologize for believing it the next day. People have a hard time making a decision and standing by that decision. Too often we are yes with this group of people and no with another group. Decision making should be as simple as saying yes or no. When pressed on their double mindedness, they choose to swear by various things that they are telling you the truth. Jesus told us to keep our answers simple and do what we say. (Matthew 5:37 All you need to say is simply Yes or No, anything beyond this comes from the evil one.) Too often we feel in our hearts that we need to do something, only to have our head talk us out of carrying through. We become double-minded, and Jesus said that a double minded man was unstable in all their ways. If we are not careful, we soon become a person with no influence because no one knows where we stand. Make a choice, be a yes or a no, stop changing to please the crowds, and you will become a person God and others can depend on. Pastor Don [image: image.png]