We all have our daily routines. I get up about the same time each day. I have been drinking the same coffee for quite some time. I leave home each day at about the same time. If we are not careful, our routines become ruts and our devotion time becomes work instead of worship. A change up every now and then is a good thing. (Psalm 5:3 In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.) Even Church service can become so routine that we lose focus of what we are there for. Shake up your time of devotion. Listen to praise music. List all the recent prayers God has answered for you. Find a friend to read and pray with once a week or month. Don’t allow your time for God to become boring and lose your excitement of communicating with Him. All of us can eat breakfast food for our dinner meal. Do the same with your devotion time. Pastor Don