Rest in God

Rest In God

Have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Take on His yoke and bear His labor. And God will give you rest. Our reward is eternity with Him!

Nothing comes to you except through Jesus Christ. We are all invited to come and receive rest from our labor.

Adam’s sin brought us into labor. Our labor is a burden but has reward. Believers can have God’s rest. Sin is a pandemic that will rob us of rest.

Fellowship with God does not come through the laws presented by Moses. Fellowship comes through communion with Jesus Christ. Jesus will give us rest from our labor. Taking on His yoke will bring His rest. Serving the Lord, bearing His labor, brings reward.

Jesus promised to go through all our labors with us. The ultimate reward is to be with Him forever. He wants us to finish our race.

Grace is Gods gift. Our relationship with the Lord is the most important thing.  Call on Jesus He will refresh you.

For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Matthew 11:30

Matthew 11:27-30
Hebrews 4:10-11