I can’t imagine living life in a position of having no hope. Even people with terminal illness can still have hope of eternal life, so living with no hope means living life with no peace, joy, or happiness. In fact, I would define hope as “the happy anticipation of good things.” You can hope for something good to happen to you by learning how to have faith in the fact that God is with you through whatever life throws your way. (Hebrews 6:19 We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain.) Everything in life is a process in motion. Without movement and progression there is no life. As long as you live you are always heading somewhere, and you should enjoy yourself on the way. God created you to be a goal-oriented person. Without a vision you become bored and hopeless. But there’s something about hope that makes people lighthearted and happy. Hope is a powerful spiritual force that is activated through your positive attitude. God is positive and He wants positive things to happen to you, but that probably won’t happen unless you have hope and faith. Trust God to bring good out of every circumstance in your life. Whatever happens, trust in the Lord and trust in the power of hope! Pastor Don