Telemarketer and robo calls have changed the way I answer my phone. If it is an out of area code and I don’t recognize the number, I usually don’t answer my call. However, one of the most frustrating things we deal with each day is when we call people and they do not answer our calls. In this technical world where everyone has a cell phone, you know that people get your call, they just choose not to answer it at the time. God invites us to call him at any time and He will hear and answer you. You can call God for yourself or for someone else’s needs and He will hear and answer your prayer. (Isaiah 30:19 People of Zion, who live in Jerusalem, you will weep no more. How gracious he will be when you cry for help! As soon as he hears, he will answer you.) God is listening for your cry for help and he knows what you need. He is listening for your prayers for others and he knows what they need. The more intimate our relationship with God, the more confident we are that He hears our prayers and stands ready to answer them. We can ask God to help people through hard times even when they don’t deserve it and God has promised to hear our prayer. When we pray with compassion out of a heart of love, God hears and answers our prayers. God loves you and He loves to hear your voice coming to Him in prayer. He is waiting to hear from you today, for yourself or for someone else. Pastor Don