I would not want to see where I would be at this stage of my life if I had to depend on my own knowledge, strength, and effort to get me here. Can I get an AMEN! I am so glad that I have God on my side. I can look back and see where God’s hand has been with me and opened and closed doors in my journey. Many of those doors I would not have chosen to close or open on my own, but, God always knew what was best for me. God has chosen to promote and advance me at times that I did not truly believe I was ready for. My devotion this morning said that if God is for us, who can stand against us. I have seen this verse in action through the years. (Romans 8:31 What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?) If God has something for you, no devil in hell or person on earth can prevent it from happening. It doesn’t matter people’s opinion of you, what they think you are or are not capable of, what they see as your weaknesses and inabilities, when God is ready, God will move you forward. When you allow God to build you, your reputation, and your career, He will make you what He wants you to be. If God is building the house, the house will stand! Pastor Don [image: image.png]