The comfort zone for most people is one step above their friends. To stay one step ahead, they often resort to criticizing and downing others. The Bible teaches us to prefer others above ourselves and the one sure way to improve our relationships with other people is to encourage them with our words and not criticize them. The bigger person is the one who does the right thing, even when you are going through difficult times yourself. We are able to do what is right because the Holy Spirit that lives in us will always encourage us to do so. You will never be bigger in God’s eyes than when you choose to do what is right and bless others. (1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.) No matter how difficult you day is today, speak words that uplift and encourage those around you. Encourage those who are doing a good job, or providing a good service to you. Compliment your spouse, children, pastor, co-worker, care-givers, waiter/waitress, your cashier, etc. Tell people that you appreciate their efforts to do their job well. You will change your life as well as someone else’s today by choosing to speak words of encouragement to them. Find a person to encourage this morning. Pastor Don [image: image.png]