5-22-19 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY…RELATIONSHIPS!! IT TAKES COMMITMENT!! Strong, healthy, enjoyable relationships don’t happen by accident. They take time, effort, work, and commitment. We have enjoyed the last few days visiting with family that we have strong relationships with. Both sides of the relationship is willing to do whatever it takes to stay close and put the effort it takes to make the long trips to visit one another. This present culture is no willing to put forth the hard work and effort it takes to enjoy strong, healthy, life-long relationships. If we ever have anything worthwhile, we have to be committed. (Proverbs 18:24 One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.) We socialize so much that we do not develop relationships. It is not wrong to have a lot of acquaintances, but you can become so busy keeping up with hundreds of Facebook friends that you never develop deep personal relationships needed to get through this life. Only friends you are truly connected to are going to stand by you when you need them. Don’t be surprised when people that you never spend time with are not around when you need them to be. Relationships takes effort and commitment. Not only when it close and convenient, but also when it takes time and effort on your part to remain close. Strengthen your relationships today by making the commitment it takes to make time for other people. One day you will be glad you did. Pastor Don [image: See the source image]