AUGUST 10th…LISTEN FAST, TALK SLOW!! Everyone I talk with lately seems to think they are an expert about what’s happening in our world and think they need to express their opinion. Most opinions they have are based on what the news channels they prefer to listen to is telling them. I think it would do all of us a lot of good if we would simply back off and listen before we speak. If God had intended for us to speak so much and listen so little, He would have given us two mouths and one ear. God tells us in the book of James that we need to listen fast and talk slow. (James 1: 19-20 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. 20. because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.) It’s easy to let ourselves become frustrated with what’s going on around us. God is telling us not to easily get offended or angry. If you have a quick temper, start listening more and talking less. Slow is good. Trust God to help you manage the feelings of anger. It is vitally necessary for you to be able to control this emotion if you want to enjoy the life God has in mind for you. Pastor Don [image: image.png]