Have you ever had your automobile not start because your battery was dead? You had to have someone jump start you. In the old days of straight shift vehicles, you could have someone push your vehicle and then put it in gear and start it, but, now in the modern automatic era you have to have a battery cables to jump start the cars. You and I need to have that same recharge each day for our spiritual journey. It’s important that you take time each day to hear from God so you can be ready to jump start others along their journey in life also. (Isaiah 50:4 The Sovereign Lord has given me a well-instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He awakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed.) I know many people will tell me that they don’t have time for anything else in their day. The thought of taking on another task of any kind makes you shudder. The truth is, the busier you are each day, the more important it is for you to spend time in prayer and reading God’s Word to make it through. I adjusted my schedule several years ago to make my time with God the first thing I do each day and I can tell you it makes a great difference in my life. If you haven’t tried it on a regular basis, make a one-week commitment and you will see the difference. Not only will your life change, but you will have words and grace to help the lives around you also be affected by your commitment. Everyone needs a jump start. Prepare yourself to be the jumper cables for someone today. Pastor Don [image: image.png]