It is very important what you allow your mind to dwell on each day. You can be happy or sad in just a few minutes by the thoughts you allow to control your mind. Did you know that you can renew the mind daily just by taking a few minutes in the morning to spend time with God. There is a saying that goes something like this, “Where the mind goes, the man follows.” That is so true. The thoughts we think each day create the atmosphere we live in and often control the actions that follow. Our thoughts often become our reality, good or bad. We need to choose our thoughts as purposely as we choose the clothes we wear today. We need to set our minds to be strong, energetic, and joyful. We need to decide to show the world whom we serve and what He is able to do in our lives. (Colossians 3:2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.) God is waiting to bless His children. What are your expectations from God today? Are you expecting nothing? A little? or a lot? Aggressive expectation is faith in action. When you release your faith to think you are going to see things happen in your life, then, things will begin to happen. Is it time for an upgrade in your thought process? The results will be seen immediately. Pastor Don