Wise Men Still Seek Him
When we seek Him and give Him our worship, He will walk with us through all. He will be with us through fire and rain.
Guest Speaker Bob Mclea
n. It isn’t certain there were only 3 men who visited and brought gifts to the Christ child. It is possible there were many who sought the born king. They were most certainly chosen for the moment. They sought Him. We should seek Him in all circumstances.
God will watch over us in all situations. We can declare the word of the Lord. He will add no sorrow to our life. He is able to do greater than we could imagine. We can praise Him for what He has already done. And look forward to what He will do.
They were called wise men. We all need the wisdom of God. We can ask and believe we will receive His wisdom. Faith is what gets it from the heavenly into our life.
The wise men were seeking Him. God is seeking us. He will draw us to Him. The Spirit will draw us and fill us with power. They didn’t come to receive. They sought Him to worship Him. They worshipped Him corporately. We are one body and must worship Him as one.
When we seek Him and give Him our worship, He will walk with us through all. He will be with us through fire and rain. We have the job of worshippers. This is our weapon against the enemy.
The wise men laid their treasures before Him. We must trade our worldly treasures for Him. The world’s treasure will rot and rust. What God has promised is eternal. We must turn from the old and pursue the treasures of heaven. God has promised more that we can store in worldly containers.
The wise men brought worship and words of love. Love is what identifies us as children created in the image of God. We can look like God even in times of evil and distress. Our old man walked in hated and envy. Our new man looks and acts like Jesus.
Their gifts were gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Gold must be refined. God will refine us. Frankincense is the sweetness brought to us by Jesus through the bitterness of life.