We Need To Get It
Believers need to get it. Believers need to walk in the truth and knowledge of the Holy Spirit that Jesus is what this world needs.
Go Into All The World
The great commission commands all believers to go into all the world and tell of Jesus. Today our world tries to keep us from carrying out that command. Christians are in a battle and a conflict to maintain our identity and influence and testimony. We need “to get it” and spread it to world.
Stephen Answered the Call
Stephen was a man called by God to tell people that Jesus was the answer to all their trials. He met the criteria of a man filled by the Holy Ghost and of great faith. People who are full of the Holy Ghost are people who exhibit the fruits of the Spirit. These people by mandate are loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, and have self-control. Walking in the Spirit and these fruits keep the flesh from taking over. Stephen, like anyone living by these standards, upset the people living by their flesh. Holiness is a daily activity. God will never take you where the Holy Spirit will not empower you.
Stephen Used the Jewish History in His Defense
Stephen angered the officials of the time by preaching what Jesus had taught. It was seen as blasphemy. Stephen used the same scriptures to defend himself. Acts chapter 7 records his defense. He used the story of Abraham and the promises God made to him to accuse them with their own history. He reminded them how throughout history they had rejected prophets and faithful men and had not recognized the arrival of the promised Messiah. Throughout his speech, he repeatedly reminded them of their continual rebellion and idolatry in spite of the mighty works of God to which they were eyewitness.
We Need To Get It
The penalty of blasphemy is death usually by stoning. Acts 7 further records Stephen’s final moments of earthly life. Stephen’s life, and even more so his life, should be an example of how every believer should strive to live; committed to the Lord even in the face of death, faithful to preach the gospel boldly, knowledgeable of God’s truth, and willing to be used by God for His plan and purpose. Stephen’s testimony still stands as a beacon, a light to a lost and dying world, as well as an accurate history of the children of Abraham.
Colossians 3:2-3
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.
Pub 1/22/23