There was a TV show a few years ago now called the A-Team. They had one phrase that we repeated often. It was, “No brags, just fact.” They repeated it every time they were successful at the task they were attempting to conquer. There are a lot of people in the world who are struggling to be great. They want to be recognized, accomplish something big, and make a name for themselves. The problem is they are going about it the wrong way. My devotion this morning spoke of a confident man and gives us the recipe to be great. (2 Kings 18:5 Hezekiah trusted in the Lord, the God of Israel. There was no one like him among all the kings of Judah, either before him or after him.) Hezekiah was a great king. Hezekiah was a confident king. Confidence is all about being positive concerning what you are called to and able to do. Hezekiah did not concentrate on his weaknesses, he maximized his strengths. A confident person is open to learning, eager to walk through new doors, and excited about what lies on the other side. Being confident is not being braggadocious, it is simple knowing what you are confident in through your faith in God. If there is nothing impossible with God, the opportunities for a Child of God are endless as long as we are in His will for our lives. You want to be GREAT? Put you trust in God and rely only on Him. Pastor Don [image: image.png]