Tongues and Interpretation is a message from God to the church

Tongues & Interpretation Mar 2 2025

Two Holy Spirit spoken words, tongues and interpretation, to Harvest Church of God March 2, 2025:

Behold I am the Lord and I will do exceedingly abundantly above all you ask or even imagine. For I am a God that you will not constrain I’m a God that you will not confine for I will do what is impossible and I will do what is unthinkable and I will do what is unsearchable for I am the Lord and there’s nothing to hard for Me.

This day I declare I am the Potter you are the clay. Allow Me to shape you to make you to form you. Yesterday is forgiven yesterday I’ve forgotten and today I give you a brand new opportunity to let Me make you into that I would have you be. And to pour into your vessel life that can be poured out to others. Behold I am the potter you are the clay. Come to Me today and I will shape you says the Lord of hosts.