I read Matthew chapter 4 this morning as part of my devotion. It’s the account of Jesus being tempted after fasting 40 days. Jesus’s response to those temptations is such a valuable lesson to all of us. (Matthew 4:1-2 Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. 2. After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry.) The first temptation Jesus faced was food to fill his hunger. His response was the Word. In verse 5 Jesus response was that man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. It’s amazing that Jesus, soon after this temptation, fed 5 thousand on one occasion and 4 thousand on another. All the miracles Jesus performed were to meet the needs of others, never for himself. When tempted Jesus about being ruler over the kingdoms of the world, he responded with “Away from me, Satan!” Jesus knew the only way to get to where he wanted and needed to be was through God’s plan. Adam and Eve had missed God’s plan for them by listening to Satan’s short cuts. As you and I prepare to start a new year, we need to be certain that we are prepared to do it God’s way. Satan always offers a short cut, a get famous quick option, or just a one time proposition. Satan asks us to take an alternate route that seems faster, easier, and more enticing. We must be ready to answer those temptations like Jesus did, with the Word of God. The Word is the only thing that will stand regardless of what is happening in your life. It needs to become our everything! Pastor Don [image: image.png]