Getting past our past is one of the most difficult tasks we face in life. Unlike God, we struggle to forgive ourselves for our past issues. My Bible reading this morning was on a very familiar scripture in Matthew. Jesus is passing by the ship of the disciples in the middle of the night walking on the water. They think he is a ghost and are so afraid. He tells Peter to come to him on the water and Peter gets out of the boat and begins to walk. How many of us need to get out of our comfort zone, security blanket, hiding places, and secret lives and follow Jesus command to come to him? Some need to leave their past issues, hurts, hangups, addictions, and start life again. We need to know when we call, Jesus will answer. (Matthew 14:30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”) There are people who rehearse their past on a daily basis. They remember every failure, hurt, disappointment, and hurdle life has put in their path. There are things in your past that you have no control of now, and many things that happened that you had no control of then. Let them go. Step out of your past hurt and pain and let God give you a new start. Stop blaming yourself or others for your past and put it in God’s hands. You’ll find out that He will extend to you a hand of safety, security, and a place to become part of a family who loves and cares about you. Pastor Don [image: image.png]