Recent events have caused people to think only of themselves. Consideration of others during these times is a challenge for all of us. If we are honest about our actions, most of us show kindness to those who are kind to us. It is not easy being kind to those who are disrespectful and critical of us. God teaches us to be kind to everyone. I read a story of an elderly man who ate breakfast at the same restaurant every morning. He constantly complained about the food, the service, and went so far as to tell the waitresses they could stand to lose a little weight. Though the old man was obnoxious and critical of everything, the employees served him daily. He became sick with cancer and those waitresses visited him in the hospital. After his death, each of the employees of the restaurant received unexpected checks for $10,000 each. The kindness that had been difficult to show to undeserving people had been rewarded in an unexpected way. (Ephesians 4:32 Be kind and compassionate one to another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.) Kindness is not something we show only to those who are deserving, it’s a fruit of the Holy Spirit that lives in us. Kindness never goes unnoticed by the recipient or by God. It may not result in a $10,000 check, but it will be rewarded in eternity. Show someone kindness today. Pastor Don