We all know that in order to keep our physical bodies in shape we have to exercise. To be honest, I could use quite a bit more than I am getting right now. It is not because the opportunity is not available, it is because I choose to do other things with my time instead of exercise. We also have to spend time required to have a closer walk with God. It is not because the time is not available, it is because we choose to do other things instead of spending time with God. The promise from God says that if we will work to get closer to Him, He also makes the effort to get closer to us. (James 4:8 Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts you double-minded.) James is straight forward about having a relationship with God. If you will do your part, God will do his part. Exercising our souls takes time and effort. It takes us making time out of our day to read God’s Word and spend time in prayer with God for us to experience spiritual growth. We say we don’t have time to seek God, but the truth is that we take time to do the things that are most important to us. Even though we all have to fight distractions every day, if knowing God and hearing from Him is important to us then we will find time to do it. Don’t try to work God into your schedule, but instead work your schedule around time with Him. Getting to know God is a long-term investment, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t get instant results. Be determined to honor Him with your time and you will reap the benefits. Pastor Don [image: image.png]