Have you ever attempted to do something for God when there was strife in the house? It is not something we think about often, but strife takes away the peace that has to be present for us to be able to minister effectively. I’m not talking about the devil fighting against us, I’m talking about us fighting among ourselves. (2 Cor 13:11 Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.) When Jesus sent out the disciples two by two to preach and heal, He told them to go into each city, find in it a suitable house in which to stay, and to say to the people, “Peace be unto you.” He went on to say that if they were accepted, they should stay there and minister. But if they were not accepted, they were to leave, shaking the very dust of that place off their feet. Jesus said to his disciples that staying in a house of strife limited their ability to do anything good for God. Strife among the people drives the Spirit of Ministry away. When peace leaves, the Holy Spirit leaves, and He is the one who does the real work. The scripture encourages us to strive to live at peace with everyone. There is a great need for ministry in the dark world we live in today and we can’t do it effectively if we are always quarreling among ourselves. Find peace today and let’s start doing what God has called us to, let’s be Salt and Light to those around us. Pastor Don