Just as you physical body has many parts, the spiritual body of Christ also has many parts. Those parts are people who have found their purpose in life. Have you ever asked yourself what your purpose in life is? What am I to do with my life that will contribute to the Kingdom of God? Has God really placed a calling on my life, or what can I do for God? I believe God answers those questions two different ways. The first way is that God gives us natural gifts and abilities. He often leads us to our purposes simply by using the gifts He has provided to us already. Most small groups are people who gather to share their common gift God has given them. The second way God shows us our purpose is that He calls us and then provides the necessary talent to perform the task. When I knew God had called me into the ministry, I had to overcome being shy and standing in the background. It is only by the Grace of God that I am able to stand before a congregation and speak. Without that gift of communication, I would not be able to fulfill my purpose. (1 Corinthians 12:27 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.) When you attend your church, take a minute and consider all the gifts it takes to make it complete. You may not have one of the “on stage” or “up front” roles, but whatever gift God has blessed you with helps complete the roles it takes to make it successful. There are no “big” or “little” roles in the Body of Christ. Whatever God has blessed you to do, do it for the Glory of God. You may be a prayer warrior, greeter, bulletin printer, church cleaner, chauffeur, warm handshake, a refreshing smile, a complimentary word, a teacher, good listener, musician, singer, audio, graphics specialist, website guru, preacher, or pastor. God gives each of us purpose for one reason, to reach others with the Glorious Gospel that God loves the world. You are part of the BODY! Make certain your function is operating well today. Pastor Don [image: image.png]