My devotion this morning really touched home with me. I can’t count the times in my life that I have said, “If I had ____ I would be a lot better off. Sometimes the blank would be if I had more money, I would be happy. Sometimes, if I had more help I would be happy. Sometimes, if I didn’t have to work so hard, I would be happy. Or, if things would just go my way, I would be happy. But, I found that the stronger my relationship with God developed, the happier my life became. I found that life is not all about me, it is about doing what God has blessed you to be able to do. (1 John 4:8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.) The change from all about me to all about what God has for me was a lot more difficult than just speaking these words and it took a lot longer than I realized. But, it was the most life changing experience that I have ever go through. God caused me to see myself as a person who could help others instead of always wanting help myself. Everything God does is for our good; all His commands are intended to help us have the best lives we could possibly live. He teaches us to be kind and to love others, which takes the focus off of ourselves. Life is not about me, it’s about others. Pastor Don