JULY 30th…OLD IS GONE!! NEW BEGINNING!! I visited the place where I was born and raised a while back. The house was beginning to deteriorate and the roof was falling in. It was not much to look at and the place was beyond repair. I passed by again a couple days ago and the new owner had wiped the place clean. He was preparing to build a beautiful new home where the undesirable building had been. I thought, this is exactly what God does when he saves a sinner. He takes what is undesirable, wipes it clean, and allows you to begin a new life. (2 Cor 5:17 Therefore,if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old is gone, the new is here!) You don’t have to go on being what you are today. God can take a life that is going nowhere and turn it into a new creation that has a fresh start. He forgives us of all our sins and walks with us through every step of the new life. Just like the new owner of the property I was raised on, I can’t wait to see what the new home looks like. The new building process never ends with God. There is something new and exciting to experience every day as you walk hand in hand with God. Your life takes on new purpose and a new direction. Let God tear down those old strongholds that have held you captive for so long and give you a new start. You will be glad you did. Pastor Don