We all know people that love to talk. They know everything about anything the subject is about. I know people who have something to say on every subject I talk about. I’ve even continually changed the subject just to listen to what their response would be. Though, that can become annoying at times, the one who truly knows it all, God, is waiting for us to name the subject we want to talk about. God is the one who knows everything thing to say about whatever the subject is in your life today. God knows our victories and our successes. God knows our fears, failures, and frustrations. (Psalm 139:16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.) From his perspective, God can see past, present, and future all at once. It’s comforting to me that he knows everything that is going to happen in my life. He not only knows about the future, he’s also there in the future. He not only walks with us day by day, he can also walk in our tomorrows. God knows exactly what you need because he’s already seen what you’re going to face. And he will provide for you. Pastor Don