Happy Mother’s Day to all of the wonderful mothers. God created special people when He created moms. We honor each of you today. As a child, if you are like most of us, finding a gift that says how you feel toward you mother is hard to find. If you could find that gift, it would be too expensive to buy. It is just difficult to say thank you for all a mother does. A meal to eat, a trip to make, a present to unwrap, just doesn’t seem enough. Don’t feel bad, we all have felt that way. This will make the 23rd Mother’s Day that my mother has been in heaven. Each year I remember more of the things she taught me. Her influence has been such a vital part of me being who I am today. The one gift that was always enough for my mother was to love her and spend time with her. God left us perfect instructions for this Mother’s Day. (Ephesians 6:1-3 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2. Honor you father and your mother, which is the first commandment with a promise. 3. So it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on earth.) Take time out of your busy schedule today to tell your mother how much you love her. You can show her by your words, your actions, your touch, and through making her feel as special as she is. Do the right things. Display the things your mother has taught you. Respect and honor her today. Hugs and saying I LOVE YOU go a long way. They are the perfect gift a mother is longing for. Pastor Don [image: image.png]