[image: image.png] I can’t remember a time when Christians are more lackadaisical and unconcerned as they seem to be today. Missing church doesn’t even concern us anymore. From Adam and Eve until today, the one common thing people have done is make excuses for their actions. And like Adam and Eve, many of our excuses for doing or not doing things gets blamed on others. The saying, “if you want to do it you will find a way and if you don’t want to do it, you’ll make an excuse” is still true today. Many of our so-called “little white lies” are nothing more than made-up excuses because you don’t want to do something. Most people see right through our excuses and see the core reason you are not doing what you are supposed to be doing. You just have no desire or drive to do it anymore. (Luke 14:18 But they all alike began to make excuses. The first said, “I have bought a field, and I must go and see it. Please excuse me.) Moses said that he couldn’t talk well enough. Felix told Paul the time was not convenient for him. Your excuse is not new. God has heard them all. The bottom line is priorities. God is no longer number one in most people’s lives. He has been put behind family activities, vacations, children’s hobbies, work, pleasure activities, and social functions. Children must be in the bed by 8 o’clock during school week on Wednesday night so people can’t make church. Any other night of the week they are up till 10 at a ball game, soccer practice, band rehearsal, etc. I’m not trying to be mean, I’m just stating the condition we have allowed our spiritual priorities to get in. We expect God to be there for us. We need to be there for God. God never makes excuses with us. God always finds a way to come to our rescue. If you want to, you will do it. If you don’t, you will find an excuse. By the way, God is writing these things down. Pastor Don