God is reminding us to look for the good in one another. We have little difficulty believing and seeing the wrong in people, and in fact, most of us are experts at that. The first words we use to describe another person often reflects our negative view of them. And often, the description we use is not personal experience, it is hearsay. I believe we like seeing the wrong in others to make ourselves look better in our eyes. The problem is that our eyes are not what matters most. God expects us to look for the good in others just like He sees the good in us. God want us to treat others with the same love and patience that He treats us with. Is it easy? Not with our fleshly minds, we need to work daily to remember how love is to operate. (1 Corinthians 13:7 AMPC Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything.) When God saved us and came into our lives, we became a new creation in Christ Jesus. We are expected to love others, deal with others, and promote others as God does us. I am praying this will be a day of seeing the good in others. If we make this a day of believing the best of others, it will help us have more joy, and we will enjoy the people God puts in our lives so much more. Look for the GOOD! You will find it. Pastor Don [image: image.png]