The world has taught us from day one to make our self number one priority. We started as a baby learning the word “MINE” and it has become our number one goal as a society. Stepping over others to get where I’m going is common practice. The thought of humbling ourselves and putting others first is unheard of. We view being humble as being weak. Meekness is not weakness, it is knowing whom we serve and where our strength comes from. There has never been a man who walked this earth more powerful than Jesus, yet, he held children in his arms, talked to outcasts, healed those whom society had discarded, and humbled himself and washed the disciples feet. The real meaning of meekness is “restrained power.” It is the ability to restrain what we are capable of doing and doing what the Holy Spirit is directing us to do. Meekness is one of the most highly rewarded actions in the Bible. (Matt 5:5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.) God promises great rewards for those who can restrain themselves from acting selfishly and do the will of God. (Matt 11:29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and your will find rest for your souls.) You will find what you’ve been searching for in this life when you learn who God truly is. God is gentle and humble in heart, what an attribute to have. God is a gentle giant! He has all power to judge and sentence, but He chooses mercy and grace. God wants us to learn how He responds and act accordingly. Meekness is not weakness, it is doing things God’s way and not man’s way. Pastor Don