JULY 31st…IT DEPENDS ON YOU!! We live in a society that is super defensive. They respond without thought of what their words or actions are going to result in. How many times have you seen a small thing turn into a tragedy just because of the way the situation was handled? How often have husbands and wives had little circumstances turn into huge arguments because of the way one responded to another. The problem is that we mirror the one we are engaged with. The tone of our voice, as well as the volume, mimics the one you are facing. The more intense others become, the more intense we become until our emotions have overtaken our common sense. When we begin to raise our voices because someone else raises theirs, we are in a useless discussion. The Bible teaches us to do the opposite. (Proverbs 15:1 A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.) The way to defuse a situation is to do the opposite of what others are doing. When they raise their voice, lower yours. When their emotions are escalating, remain calm in your response. Refuse to let your ego control you, let to respond the way God instructs us to respond. So many life situations depend on how YOU respond to them. It really does depend on you. Pastor Don [image: image.png]