I love the technology of GPS when I’m traveling to new areas. I never have to worry about how to get there, I have a voice that directs my every turn. Pastor and I followed this voice to a new place in Georgia and it took forty five minutes to get there. We decided we knew a shorter route back so we tried it on our own. An hour and fifteen minutes later we arrived back. It’s important who our GPS is for our lives. We never make wise decisions on our own. God wants to be your GPS. (Psalm 25:9 He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way.) Men have the reputation of being bad at asking for directions, but everyone struggles with being led through life. We are prone to want to go on our own. The Bible says that sheep by nature wander off the path, that’s why they need a shepherd. The other thing about a sheep is they have poor eyesight. Often we like sheep take a path that seems good only to find it has a dead end. Who is your GPS? Are you confident He will see you through this day? God is ready to show you the next move for your life. Pastor Don [image: image.png]