Happiness is a feeling. It means to be content, cheerful, carefree, satisfied, or delighted. How often do you feel happy? What are the things that bring happiness to your life? Happiness should not depend on the circumstances you are facing today. Happiness should be solely dependent on the relationship you have with God. You should have that same feeling of contentment, satisfaction, and cheer regardless of what life is throwing at you today. (Psalm 16:11 You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.) I think the main reason people become unhappy when they face difficulty in life is that they forget God is still with them. The presence of the Lord is always with you. Will we face some unhappy situations in life? YES! We will face things in life that will break our heart, bring tears to our eyes, and cause us to feel hurt and pain. But, we should never go through anything in life that we do not feel and depend on the presence, strength, and guidance of the Holy Spirit. The realization that God is walking by your side will give you the confidence, joy, and happiness that you are going to make it. God reveals to us the path we must walk and supplies it with happiness in knowing He is with us all the way. When Jesus becomes your joy, you will never be defeated by the circumstances of life you face. Pastor Don