God Has a Dream for You

God Has a Dream for You

What looks crazy to the world is just a Christian following what the Word says about your future because God has a dream for you.

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We don’t often react well to change. Devastating change can cause life to be put into a tail spin. We start grappling for hope and reason to believe for better things. We need something God can do that no one or no other power can do. These times and emotions cause fear and anxiety. We question our trust in God. Jesus told us to take no thought about how God will work things out. God can take bad times and make something good from it. If we seek to dwell in His presence forever, we will see His goodness.

The story of Joseph in Genesis chapters 37-50 tells how Joseph took each season of unexpected change and saw how God used each situation and turned them around for his good. Joseph was betrayed by his brothers, lied on by a powerful woman, and forgotten in prison. But in the end, he was in the position to care for not only an entire nation but to save his family from a great famine. He could have become bitter and angry. However, he never lost his character and found favor with all. God had an assignment for Joseph. He had promises and dreams for Joseph.

David is another biblical character who met with constant change and questions about the dream God had given him. He had to on multiple occasions escape from enemies who once promised him safety. David relied on God when he was abandoned. Our hope and trust is in the Lord. He is our salvation and our safety. David rose from being chased and scorned to a revered king known as a man after God’s own heart. The Lord is our strength and our rock.

God can do impossible things when we put our faith in Him. When we do what the word says, miraculous things will happen and dreams will come true. He knows what we need. We will praise and make our requests made known to the Lord. The Lord is on our side. If God be for us, what can stop the word of the Lord.