My Bible reading this morning talked about authority. All of us have heard of, or exercised the “power of attorney.” It is when you give authority to someone to “be you.” They can use your name, speak for you, do business for you, and handle important documents, just like they were you. Jesus told his disciples that He was going away. He would be crucified, buried in a tomb, rise again the third day, and ascend back to the Father. Jesus also told them that it was beneficial for them for Him to go away because you were going to send back His Spirit to live in them. He was going to give them His own “Power of Attorney.” (John 16:7 But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.) It must have been wonderful to walk on earth with Jesus, fellowship with Him, watch as he ministered to people, and hear His Words of wisdom. BUT what an awesome joy it was to the disciples, and also to us, when they received the Holy Spirit to live in and guide their lives. Jesus sent His Spirit to live in us. We have been given the God-given privilege to represent Jesus here on earth, to use His name in prayer, and to stand-in for Him in ministry. I never want to overlook, or take lightly, the wonderful privilege we have as believers to have the Holy Spirit live in us and establish our steps each day. We are nothing without Him, but we can do so much more because He lives in our lives. Pastor Don