Do you remember thinking as a child that your father could do anything? He was so strong, so fast, so smart, and able to repair almost anything you broke. Isn’t it amazing to have a Heavenly Father that is that and so much more. The God we serve is a BIG GOD! Nothing is impossible for Him. We can face anything our enemies throw at us because nothing they can come up with is bigger than our God. (Romans 8:31 What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us.) One thing we all know for certain, the position Satan always occupies is that he is against us. Satan uses every tool he has to attempt to tear us down and destroy us. God on the other hand is no only for us, He is over us, He is under us, He is in front of us, and He is behind us. Salvation is the most awesome gift God gives to us, then, He gives us His Holy Spirit to be our daily Helper. The Spirit empowers us to be like Jesus and to be able to overcome every temptation Satan throws at us. God has blessings and spiritual power in abundance for us. He is powerful and mighty and able to do what we can never do on our own. God desires that we let the Holy Spirit flow through us in power to show people His love and to help people with His gifts. It all centers in Him. Pastor Don [image: image.png]